Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Break Up with a Dear Friend

   Hey... I know it's been a while and that I really haven't had the time to talk but now is probably the best time.

   First, let me bring you back to many many years ago when I first met you. Those were the days weren't they? I remember you so new and fresh, your disk drive so nice and clean and your buttons, so easily pushed and able to take even the slightest of movements. You and I were the same being, the same body of plastic and metal through the wire of your controller. I expertly dispatched many a foe, with your smooth controls and design. But as you and I both know, PS2, everything changes.

   I think it all started when I noticed a very slight change in your button pressure. Nothing big, very little change in the way you functioned, and certainly nothing a cotton swab and water couldn't fix, but it really just escalated from there. Soon I found that you couldn't handle the newer games, for some reason games that had a blue under disc were impossible to read, just the price of being an older model I suppose. But it didn't matter to me and we were able to hang on to the good games like Metal Gear Solid, Ratchet and Clank, and Jak and Daxter.

   Then I heard rumors, rumors of a new console that would be ground breaking and technologically superior to you. I dismissed them of course, saying that there wasn't any reason to leave you behind for something else, but at the back of my mind there stayed a glinting feeling of want for something new. Then I was further tempted by previews of the so called PS3, the new generation of Sony consoles. The graphics, astonishing, the gameplay, amazing! I was in awe as I watched the tech and game demos. But I stood by you. You and your aging design, lacking graphics, and thinning of blockbuster titles.

   It was inevitable though. The PS3 was released and more and more people bought into its sleek design, and new SixAxis controls. So there I sat, those around me, friends and aquatences, getting the newest thing, the pinnacle of console gaming... while I sat and looked at the error screens and lack of memory messages that you gave me so often due to your growing age, forever longing for the thing that I now wanted.

   So therefore I say I thank you and I will never forget you. You were there for me whenever I needed you but must move on, on to a new and better game system. Maybe one day we will see each other again when I'm feeling nostalgic, but for now I leave you with just this... 3.

I Just wrote about an inanimate object and I having a bond of friendship and me leaving it for another  inanimate object..... And I hope you thoroughly enjoyed it!


  1. This post kind of reminds me of my 3rd generation iPod touch. I just ordered the 5th generation, because my old one was capable to get games anymore. A friend and I tried restoring it to see if that would help, well it just made it worse. So, I told my dad he could get my old one for music, so they could plug it in on the boat. It's going to be hard to erase the music I have on that one to put on my new one and put different music my dad wants on it. I like how we have old technology and we try to keep it as long as we can before getting a new one.
    Great blog post.

  2. Technology is always changing so how are you supposed to stick with the old stuff? I always want the newer version of things too. Whether it be a phone, or ipod or any other kind of technology. You always move on to newer generations of things. I thought this was a good and interesting comparison. Good job! I liked your blog post!

  3. I can relate to this. I too thought I'd never give up old games for new. I had always been a commuter guy and never thought I'd switch to a game counsel. When the PS3 came out that all changed. It looked amazing and some of my friends had them. I needed one and I was very glad I got one. It's the life.

  4. I can see you're a play station player! I'm an Xbox man myself and I enjoy it more then play station. I also remember a time when I either had to stick with the old version of Xbox or switch the Xbox 360 well I saved my money and I went for the newer one. It just made sense, they had stopped making game for the Xbox so if I wanted to be able to play me games I was going to need to upgrade but I still get out my Xbox and play halo again. Just make time for your old play station haha!

    1. I cannot condone gaming on the 360 I'm afraid as it is an inferior console [:

    2. PCs are even better. :p

    3. Oh, you runnin Crisis 3 on ultra settings with that gaming PC setup you got there [:

  5. I can totally relate to what happen to your play station station two! This happens to about every kind of technology I use. Theses days though, technology is improving and new things are being created constantly. The keyboard for my computer is starting to get worse and worse from how much I use it. I am a born gamer, and like having the best running technology I can get for the news games that keep coming out. Nice blog, keep it up!

  6. I grew up on the PS1 and I loved playing games like Spyro and Crash Bandicoot. Then I moved on to the PS2 and enjoyed Rachet and Clank much like you. As the years dragged on I needed something new because of all the hype around the next generation consoles. I ended up getting a Xbox 360 because of my friends. I recently moved on from that onto my gaming laptop because who doesn't want their own laptop that can play the newest games?

  7. I can relate to what you are saying about breaking up with your ps3. My relationship is with tv so it would be hard for me to give up my tv just like it was hard for you to give up your ps3 for a newer model. It would be a sad day when I have to give up my tv.
